Call the Lil’ Bubba® Team to
Be Your Own Boss

Mobile Business on a Trailer

Custom Trailer Wrap by Lil’ Bubba Print Shop

Your Trailer is a Rolling Billboard

A vibrant trailer wrap is more than just protection for your trailer’s surface, it potentially one of your strongest marketing tools for your business. Here at Lil’ Bubba, we call it the “Rolling Billboard.”

Custom Trailer Wrap

As you travel from client to client you will potentially pass your very next customer on the road. Get their attention with a beautifully designed, top of the line custom trailer wrap filled with crisp clean images of curbing and easy to read, stylized graphics specific to your companies branding.

By electing to get your trailer wrapped here at Lil’ Bubba, you are ensuring that upon delivery of the trailer, you are ready to get to work. No need to schedule time to meet with a local printer and discuss the lengthy design process, only to have to then schedule more time to drop off your trailer and wait for the installation to be complete.

When you get your trailer wrapped at Lil’ Bubba, we take care of the design and have the vinyls prepared as our trailer team builds out your business’s curbing trailer. We coordinate with the trailer production to deliver the wrap ahead of time guaranteeing you that your trailer will be ready to go when you are.

The Benefits of a Trailer Wrap

Take your design Further

Why leave all the eye-popping graphics only on your trailer? Take your design further by having your work truck wrapped and ready to roll.

Custom Trailer Wrap

With a custom wrapped vehicle you will maximize the attention grabbing details on your trailer all the way down the road. Covering front to back with marketing tools to each of your fellow travelers on the road.

Make a splash even if your trailer is on the work site. We offer full and partial wrap graphics allowing you to choose the amount of coverage your vehicle will have.

Marketing yOU can See through

Perforated Window Vinyl is a great way to utilize the giant canvas on the back of your truck’s window. The perforations provide a clean and unobstructed view inside the truck for the driver, while simultaneously delivering a beautifully designed image to travelers driving behind you.

Custom Trailer Wrap

This beautiful addition to your wrap design can be the perfect compliment without taking over the entire truck. Friendly to neighborhoods that have H.O.A.’s in place, allowing you to use your vehicle for advertising without monopolizing the surface of your vehicle.

Designed and installed same-day at Lil’ Bubba, you can have your window perforation installed with very little down-time. Bring your truck or car to training and it will be ready to go when you are.

First We Need a Logo

First we start with getting your Business’s Branding started. You give your ideas, inspirations and color choices then we get to work on your logo design and branding elements. To get started click the link below for the logo form.

After submitting your logo design request, our Print Shop team will receive your form submission and begin the process of creating your business’s new identity. Upon completion of the logo, you will then receive all necessary file types as well as a style guide, similar to the one you see below, calling out your logo’s color with “hexadecimal specific color codes” as well as any font utilized in the creation of your design.

Logo Style Guide Example

The above image is an example of how your official style guide may look, displaying your logo on both a light and dark background as well as a greyscale version of your logo, for visual purposes.

Next, We Design Your Wrap

Now that we have branding and a concept in place, we can begin designing your wrap. As before we provide you with a form to communicate your ideas as well as the necessary information that we will need while putting your design together. Click the button below to get started.

Once we have your form in our system and the logo has been created, we build a design complementary to your color scheme and logo design. We use high-quality, copy-written images of curbing mixed with visually stunning graphics designed with getting attention drawn to your trailer.

When the design is complete, you will receive a mockup of the design, superimposed on a trailer to give you the idea of how the finished product will look, as well as an easy to see proof with closer looks at the potential design

Trailer Mockup Sample

After you receive the initial design, you are then able to critique and request updates and edits to deliver the look you want. Once your happy with your design and submit approval to the Lil’ Bubba Print Shop we take your approved art directly to production and schedule your free, in-house installation here at our warehouse, making delivery of your trailer a complete process.

Don’t forget your Website

While you are getting your trailer taken care of, why stop there? Let us take your business to the next level with a custom built curbing website, complete with copy-written curbing images displaying hand-crafted curbing as well as the benefits curbing can offer. Click the button to get started.

After the wrap is designed, we move to the website design. Here we have developed a curbing-forward website that has the ability to grow with your new business. By getting your website built by the Lil’ Bubba Print Shop, you don’t have to worry about providing images and text for your website. We already have all that worked out for you.

We provide high-quality, copy-written images of curbing for your website gallery, giving your potential clients the illusion of a business that has been around for a while.

Once the website is in place, we synchronize all the information gathering forms on your new site with the brand new email accounts we create for you. Then we provide you with a Samsung Galaxy Tablet filled with your email, social media, and backup image gallery as well as your website bookmarked and ready to go.

Website Mockup on Devices

The delivery of your website comes with the peace of mind that your brand new business is completely up and ready to begin attracting clients. Your website will allow you to market more effectively as well as provide your potential clients a source for information about the products your deliver and they many styles and colors they have to choose from.